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Niagara Parent Resources and Counselling Services to Protect, Support and Strengthen The Lives of Children                                                                                       

Parenting can be both a joyful and a frustrating roller coaster ride! The support of other parents, community professionals and a variety of resources can provide relief and enrichment to the experience. If you are a parent or caregiver looking for opportunities to connect with others, we can help with that.
Family and Children’s Services offers a wide array of community programs and resources open to everyone in the community. Opportunities for arts and crafts, story time and valuable learning activities such as infant massage, school readiness, child care, developmental screening and more are available – usually at no or minimal cost, or a subsidized fee.

Ontario Early Years Programs – Are offered at a variety of locations including our main site at Central United Church in Welland and our satellite locations in Pelham and Grimsby. For parents, caregivers, and children from 0 to 6 years, our many resources include: prenatal support, hearing clinics, breast feeding support, play and learn programs and access to a variety of resources.
Our mobile program and Toy Lending Library visit a number of public locations throughout the Niagara region, bringing programming, toys and other resources right to your neighbourhood.
To find out more about what our Early Years programs have to offer or to find a location or mobile stop near you, please call (905) 734-3563.
Child Care – Family and Children’s Services offers two child care centres in St. Catharines. Full and half day programs are available, as well as before and after school programs. We offer quality child care with an emphasis on fun and educational activities, and healthy child development. Referrals can be made by parents and other professionals, and a subsidy may be available through the Regional Municipality of Niagara.
Western Hill Child Care Program – 905-684-6288
Edith Cavell School, 1 Monck Street
Bunting Child Care Program – 905-937-0170
Lincoln Centennial School, 348 Scott Street
West Niagara Resource Consultants – Concerned that your child is reaching their developmental milestones on time? We provide consultation regarding child development, and any possible developmental delays, for children up to age 6. Consultation is provided at their preschool, child care program or Ontario Early Years Centre in West Niagara. Regular visits, developmental screening and goal planning help monitor a child’s developmental progress and needs. We can help with referrals to other services and support the child’s transition to school. There is no cost to families for this service.
To find out more about this valuable service, please call 905-945-3303
Or call FACS at 905-937-7731 ext 2215
Toll-free 1-888-937-7731
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